Tavakoli is discovering a treasure made of papers

Rediscovering Munshi Newal Kishore, Mozzafar Baghai, Dawar,... and the Legend Continues! 

"Munshi Newal Kishore Press's contribution to Persian literary and print cultures has long captivated me as a historian of nineteenth-century Iran. Having been educated in nationalist historiography, which views Persian as Iran's exclusive language, I was surprised to discover that many of the most important texts in Iranian literature and culture were first published in Lucknow, India, rather than Tehran."

- Mohammad Tavakoli Targhi

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Books are the most constant of friends
"کتاب، دوست ماندگار بشر"

Through the preservation of rare books and manuscripts, lithographs, newspapers, and other written and printed formats, the archive guards the “culture of paperphilia” and promotes access to knowledge, culture, language, and literature to all those who seek it.

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Our Archives

Our Collections

The Tavakoli Archives presents and collects rare Persian Manuscript, Lithographs, Books, Newspapers, etc., from historically significant Near and Middle Eastern Civilizations. The core of its Permanent Collection has been assembled by Mohammad Tavakoli-Targhi (1992–2022). Prof. Tavakoli-Targhi began acquiring his rare collection of Lithographs and manuscripts in 1992 while studying at Illinois State University. Since then he is continuing to collect many more of these marvellous collections …